Saturday, July 25, 2009

Measurements PERFORMANCE

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Regional Water Company (PDAM) of Bandung is one of the companies that are in control of city government in the field of clean water and dirty water. Business unit taps city more focused on the value of social services in accordance with the purposes and functions set by the Regional Government. In an effort to make improvements to the performance of the company, PDAM of Bandung city will need to make the measurement of performance against the company. Where at this time PDAM Bandung has to do with the measurement using the method of evaluation which refers to the KepMendagri no 47 of 1999 Guidelines on Performance Rating PDAM. Measurement with the method is not thoroughly assess aspects of the company so that the measurement is less integrated in the aspects that can improve the performance of the company.
Therefore, in this research is done on the measurement performance of PDAM Bandung by using methods that can mengintegrasikann all aspects related to the company that is balanced scorecard method. This method measures the performance of companies based on four perspectives, namely financial, customer, internal business processes and learning and growth so that it can be the achievement of company goals is more effective and integrated. The process of measuring the performance of PDAM Bandung penjabaran begins with the vision, mission and strategy into the company's strategic goals, critical success factors and measurements of success the company. The process is further pembobotan help using analytical methods Hierarchy Process (AHP) process and the final measurement of performance of PDAM Bandung
Evaluate the performance of PDAM Bandung produce 18 units of measurements affect the success of the company's performance. Measurements influence the size of the company's success depends on the size of the weight measurements are. Measure the success of each perspective and bobotnya is as follows:
Customers Perspective Ø (38.74%): customer satisfaction index (50.54%), Percentage of reduction (26.82%), Percentage of adding new customers (14.45%) and Percentage of subsidy given to poor people (8.19%).
Ø Internal Business Process Perspective (28.84%): Length of the average flux per day (36.50%), Percentage of production capacity installed capacity (28.24%), Percentage of water lost (14.90%), debit the production of clean water (10.91%) Percentage coverage and services (9.75%).
Ø Perspective Learning and Growth (20.20%): Number of training per year (37.70%), index kep
Ø uasan employees (34.49%), the ratio of employees' technical competence and non-technical (21.53%) Percentage and the ability to handle employee complaints (9.75%).
Ø Financial Perspective (12.22%): Ratio of operating costs to operating income (40.76%), the ratio of income to the employee (26.11%), the ratio of profit to sales (12.26%), the ratio of assets to sales (11.42%) and the ratio of long-term debt of equity (9.46%).
Measurements made with the overall performance of the value of the performance of each perspective. Where is the value of the performance of PDAM Bandung City as a whole is calculated using the method of balanced scorecard for 2007 is 4.0965 with a category rating Fine.

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