Tuesday, September 1, 2009

mechanical energy

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mechanical energy

kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy, including energy called mechanical energy. makanik energy is the amount of potential energy and kinetic energy possessed by an object, and is also the total energy. amount of mechanical energy of an object is always fixed, while the kinetic energy and potential energy can be changed-ubah.energi potential + kinetic energy.
formula: E = Em + Ek

a body is at rest at a height of 80 cm, 5 kg of body mass, and acceleration of gravity g = 10 m/s(squared). determine the mechanical energy of the object.

means it does not have the speed or v = 0, whereas the object height h = 80cm = 0.8 m.

then: Em = Ep + Ek = mgh + 1/2mv (squared) = 5.10.0,8 + 0 = 40 joules.

so, the mechanical energy of objects that dwell on the table will be equal to the potential energy, since kinetic energy is zero.

Monday, July 27, 2009


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Clipper work on the plate that is used is
scissors and saw. Scissors to cut the plate and saw
for memtong wire. Scissors have a bermacammacam
depending on its use are:
a. Straight scissors for cutting the straight
b. Scissors scissors sky covers the right, the left
and straight scissors. Dirganatara scissors are used to
cut curved shapes, a circle, the form does not
beraturn form and forwards. For example, to curvature direction
right, then used scissors to cut the right direction.
c. Curved scissors, scissors to cut this shape
d. Bulldog forceps, scissors are used to cut
straight form, is usually used to shear plate
a thick plate or stainless steel.
e. Scissors part-bird, which is used for cutting
circular with a diameter smaller.
f. A combination of scissors, used to cut the
straight and curved.
g. Ganda scissors, scissors have two pieces of
used to cut selebar 3 mm with the average results.
Scissors to make holes in the pipe umbrella.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Measurements PERFORMANCE

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Regional Water Company (PDAM) of Bandung is one of the companies that are in control of city government in the field of clean water and dirty water. Business unit taps city more focused on the value of social services in accordance with the purposes and functions set by the Regional Government. In an effort to make improvements to the performance of the company, PDAM of Bandung city will need to make the measurement of performance against the company. Where at this time PDAM Bandung has to do with the measurement using the method of evaluation which refers to the KepMendagri no 47 of 1999 Guidelines on Performance Rating PDAM. Measurement with the method is not thoroughly assess aspects of the company so that the measurement is less integrated in the aspects that can improve the performance of the company.
Therefore, in this research is done on the measurement performance of PDAM Bandung by using methods that can mengintegrasikann all aspects related to the company that is balanced scorecard method. This method measures the performance of companies based on four perspectives, namely financial, customer, internal business processes and learning and growth so that it can be the achievement of company goals is more effective and integrated. The process of measuring the performance of PDAM Bandung penjabaran begins with the vision, mission and strategy into the company's strategic goals, critical success factors and measurements of success the company. The process is further pembobotan help using analytical methods Hierarchy Process (AHP) process and the final measurement of performance of PDAM Bandung
Evaluate the performance of PDAM Bandung produce 18 units of measurements affect the success of the company's performance. Measurements influence the size of the company's success depends on the size of the weight measurements are. Measure the success of each perspective and bobotnya is as follows:
Customers Perspective Ø (38.74%): customer satisfaction index (50.54%), Percentage of reduction (26.82%), Percentage of adding new customers (14.45%) and Percentage of subsidy given to poor people (8.19%).
Ø Internal Business Process Perspective (28.84%): Length of the average flux per day (36.50%), Percentage of production capacity installed capacity (28.24%), Percentage of water lost (14.90%), debit the production of clean water (10.91%) Percentage coverage and services (9.75%).
Ø Perspective Learning and Growth (20.20%): Number of training per year (37.70%), index kep
Ø uasan employees (34.49%), the ratio of employees' technical competence and non-technical (21.53%) Percentage and the ability to handle employee complaints (9.75%).
Ø Financial Perspective (12.22%): Ratio of operating costs to operating income (40.76%), the ratio of income to the employee (26.11%), the ratio of profit to sales (12.26%), the ratio of assets to sales (11.42%) and the ratio of long-term debt of equity (9.46%).
Measurements made with the overall performance of the value of the performance of each perspective. Where is the value of the performance of PDAM Bandung City as a whole is calculated using the method of balanced scorecard for 2007 is 4.0965 with a category rating Fine.

Friday, July 17, 2009


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Ram (hammer)
Tools hammers used in the work plate manifold and it's all depending on the type of use. In general a hammer into two types, namely a hammer used to hit the plate and used to hit iron. To beat or zinc plate to use plastic or wooden hammer, to strike while the iron or the like used sledge hammer. Error using a hammer this will result in damaged platnya or palunya. For example, to pave the iron plate using a hammer, the zinc coating will flake off, so this will cause the plate to peel, so if you want to hit the iron or the like using a hammer or a plastic timber, then the hammer will be damaged. Sledge hammer has a form of the manifold, depending on usage.
Various iron Hammer / hammer hard:
a. hummer konde: used to beat rivet and strengthen the connection plate and the other jobs that need to be a light beating.
b. hummer Pelipat: Hammer is used to fold the edges on the plate, especially in the pengawatan.
c. hummer pen: is used to smooth the connection and also to beat the light.
d. hummer pengeling: used for the formation of rivet
e. hummer peregang: tense is used to plate.
f. Straighten hummer: used to refine the end of the form of work.
g. Transverse hammer, a hammer is used to thin this material.
h. hummer arch: a hammer is used to form objects that curve.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


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Surely man was created by Allah SWT is the most perfect machluk compared with the others, including Angel, Jin, Devil, Animals, dllnya. But our own as a man does not know or do not know akan ourselves as human beings. For that let us learn about ourselves as human beings, Who is us? From which the original? How to go later? And the most important is how we lead the life of this world so that world safely and achkirat later?

for every action that is not done.
for each event that is not done ..
for every error that done ...
for every opportunity that was lost ..

I will appreciate all the more I appreciate ..
to do something this week ..

for every heart is hurt ..
for every soul that away ..
for each of the pent-up crying ..
for each of the temple of prayer for hope and strength ...

I will try harder again ..
to be a sincere man.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

measurement of salinity

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Salinity in the soil vary both spatial and vertical. Therefore, the measurement of adequate land must be made in both directions to obtain the exact results of the salinity in the particular field. Measurements made at high water that remains on the field will not show salinity levels in the soil. Salinity in the soil were measured at most in terms of DHL's solution to the land use DHL gauge, the units per decisiemens meters (ds / m) or millimhos per centimeter (mmhos / cm); both units is the equivalent.

Salinity in the soil can be measured through a variety of ways:

1. Saturated extracts: Use this method when laboratory facilities are available. Technique involves the measurement of DHL's solution is extracted from the pasta water saturated soil. Disuling water that is added to 200-400 g soil dry air - and stirred - until soil is completely saturated. Leave the sample at least 4 hours. Use filter penyedot (pressure plate) or centrifuge to extract water that is enough. Add 1 drops of 0.1% solution (NaPO3) 6 for each 25 mL extract. Measure tesebut extract from DHL. Measurement is abbreviated as DHLe (Electric Power Hantar extracts from). This method gives a more meaningful measure for the salinity in the soil and independent of soil texture, but requires more time.
2. Extract ground water: This method also requires laboratory facilities, but the method is easier than saturated extracts. Prepare a mixture of soil: water (1:5 by weight) using air dried soil and water that has been disuling. Shake for 1 hour (or when the shaker is not available, shake hands with the sample for 1 minute at least 4 times in interval of 30 minutes). Let the moment and filter lands larutannya. Add 1 drops of 0.1% solution (NaPO3) 6 for each 25 ml extract. Measure Electric Power Hantar solution of the land. Measurement depends on the texture of the soil. To convert units DHL1: 5 to DHLe; multiply by 23 (for sand, loam and loamy sand soil), with 14 (for sandy loam, light loam loamy sand), with 10 (for clay loamy, clayey silt and clay light sand), with 9 (for the sandy clay, silt, light and medium light), with 8 (for the clay are), and with 6 (for heavy clay).
3. Piezometers: This method is fast and can be used directly in rice fields with high water that remains. Metal or plastic pipes perforated or slit bercelah-inserted into the mire with a perforated zone which is adapted to the soil profile in which the salinity will be measured. Pipe must be long enough so that the top remain several centimeters above the high water in the rice field. Holes in the pipe must be sized small enough so that the only solution that can be ground through. When you ignore the land is a problem, pipes can be covered with cotton cloth secarik with the bottom closed. DHL's solution is to gather in the pipe can be measured using a gauge DHL.

Monday, July 6, 2009


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test,... test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...test,...

Friday, July 3, 2009


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test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test testv